Thursday, July 2, 2015

Review: Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel

Exfoliation has many benefits to your skin. It rejuvenates your skin and completely improves your complexion.

There are two types of exfoliants: physical and chemical. The difference between physical and chemical exfoliant is - physical exfoliant uses micro beads as a scrub, while chemical exfoliant does not contain micro beads. Instead, chemical exfoliant contains active ingredients such as BHA, AHA, etc.

Peeling gels are a gentler alternative to slough off all those dead skin cells. Today's review is on Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel.


Nature Republic Super Aqua Max products contain deep sea mineral water with 30 kinds of sea plants to treat the skin.

- Sea grape offers quick absorption and fresh application
- Brightens skin tone
- Removes impurities in pores for a cleaner and silkier look
- Gives moisture and nutrients even after peeling


I couldn't find a complete list of ingredients online, but it contains extracts from these main ingredients:
Sea water, sea grape, seaweed, kelp, hostail kelp, cerlon moss, green laver, plankton, gulfweed, sea cucumber and oyster.

Lots of marine plants extract based on the list above. It is important to note that this product doesn't contain any type of parabens.


RM50.00 / 150ml


Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel comes in a light blue squeezable tube. The tube comes with the usual snap-cap and a basic nozzle.

Simple. Functional. Unscrew the cap of a new tube, and you'll discover a protective foil seal. Peel that away, screw the cap back on, and its ready for use!


Ok! Lets get down to the review! Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel is actually the first peeling gel I own. It is definitely considered a chemical exfoliant as it does not contain micro beads. Prior to this, I have always been using St. Ives Apricot Scrub, which is a physical exfoliant. I've had no issues with St. Ives at all, but I came across an article about how facial scrubs are really harsh on skin, which is why I opted to try a peeling gel.

Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel has a thick consistency. It has a very fine grainy texture. This really resembles a gel toothpaste.

It smells cool and fresh. Like minty toothpaste.

How to use it:
Make sure to cleanse your face to remove makeup and dirt. Ensure that your face is completely dry before applying this peeling gel. Squeeze about 2-3 cm of gel onto your fingertips. Apply the peeling gel onto your face and massage in circular motions. You'll notice dead skin getting rolled and peeled off. After massaging for about 1 minute, rinse off with water. Continue on with the rest of your skincare routine.

Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel definitely works and does what a peeling gel is supposed to do. While massaging the gel, you'll notice flakes of dead skin peeling off. That means the exfoliation is really working.

This peeling gel is extremely gentle. It doesn't sting at all, doesn't feel too abrasive and it doesn't dry out my skin.

The amount of dead skin peeling off varies, depending on your skincare routine. If you exfoliate once a week, yes you will notice quite a bit of dead skin. Whereas if you exfoliate twice a week, the amount of dead skin is significantly lesser.

When I started using the Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel, i did it once a week. With all that weekly buildup, the amount of dead skin peeling off was quite a fair bit each time.

A month ago, I made the decision to purchase a Clarisonic Mia 2. I use my Clarisonic every night and I absolutely love it. It is a great cleansing tool which really made a difference in how my complexion looks. Ever since I started using the Clarisonic, I have noticed that there isn't much dead skin to slough off whenever I use the peeling gel. So yeah, I guess the Clarisonic does a very mild exfoliation each time, resulting in me having less dead skin buildup on my skin.

I am still using the Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel once a week. Regardless of whether you use a cleansing tool or cleansing brush, everyone should be exfoliating their skin once a week at least!


  • Non-abrasive compared to physical exfoliants
  • Does not contain parabens
  • Effective in removing dead skin cells
  • Does not sting or hurt
  • Very moisturizing
  • Fairly cheap for such a big tube


  • None


Nature Republic Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel is the first peeling gel I've tried and owned. It has definitely impressed me in terms of effectiveness and performance. I will definitely stick to chemical exfoliants now that I know how harsh physical scrubs can be to my skin. However, I would really like to try other brands of peeling gels before settling down with this one. That being said, if you are looking for a good peeling gel, give this one a try.


  1. i was just wondering if this product makes your skin even/lighter

  2. Thank You for your information.kindly visit us: why are my fingertips peeling

  3. Where do you buy this product in malaysia? Been looking for this

    1. Hi farha, u can try buy korean skincare products online at Hermo. They sell cheaper than retail shop here in malaysia, and they are authentic products

  4. Perfect! I've always wanted to know if what was peeling off was in fact dead skin cells or simply the product just balling up in little clumps. You answered my dilemma��
